If you are in the agriculture industry or looking to get involved, chances are you have heard about precision agriculture or precision farming. You might have been hesitant to invest in it due to a lack of information or just being skeptical, but we’re here to change that. We have the answers to some of the burning questions that might pop into your head when you hear the words 'precision ag'.
To put it in simple terms, precision ag is integrating technology with farming mechanics to optimize various aspects of your operation. So, how does it work? First, data is collected from your equipment while in the field, that data is received by a satellite, then it is transferred to your preferred system. The machine learning technology then utilizes the data to curate solutions to boost efficiency and accuracy.
By collecting and analyzing data from your operation, precision agriculture technologies can offer a number of things such as soil mapping, yield monitoring mapping, automatic guidance, and variable rate application for things like fertilizing, irrigation, and seeding.
Humans are only capable of so much, so precision agriculture tends to help farmers by picking up where we leave off and enhancing our efforts. With that being said, precision farming is able to:
We offer a wide range of systems that can tackle many aspects of your farming operation. Customers can choose the best options for their farm by selecting a system that best suits their goals. Choose from data management, remote management, guidance, variable rate application and field and water management systems. Within these systems, there are several applications that can help you run your operation more smoothly and boost productivity. Here are just a few of the systems we offer.
This system improves asset utilization by electronically assigning work orders to application equipment. Not only can you assign work orders, but you can also manage risks that potentially could affect your operation. This includes ensuring work orders get to the right place at the right time, adjusting schedules according to weather conditions, and viewing sensitive crop registry with DriftWatch. You can also use this system to track your fleet and send files to and from the field.
The John Deere Operations Center is a farm management system that allows you to see what is going on in your operation from several devices. This system can help you make vital decisions by learning from your performance over time. When selecting the Field Analyzer option, users can evaluate how decisions throughout the growing season have influenced yield enabling you to make the best decisions for your crop. It also enables you to share data and collaborate with partners for maximum connectivity and profitability.
There are several AutoTrac systems available that use automation to give the operator a more convenient, hands-free experience. AutoTrac Turn Automation makes accurate end-of-pass turns for the operator and carries out all the needed end-of-pass functions at the appropriate time, allowing the operator to focus on the job at hand and reduce fatigue. AutoTrac Implement Guide curates accurate placement of inputs and directs the tractor to the correct location to keep the implement on the guidance line, boosting crop potential. There are several other versions of AutoTrac that use automation to increase efficiency and provide operators with added benefits.
At Tennessee Tractor we only offer our West Tennessee customers the best of the best. That is why we offer precision ag technology by John Deere. John Deere is the pioneer of precision agriculture, releasing its first precision farming technology in 1994, the Vision System. Since then, Deere has stayed ahead of its competitors by being the only carrier that has the technology built into its equipment, making it more convenient and accessible to operators.
The best way to begin integrating precision ag into your operation is by getting a display and receiver. Choose from several easy-to-use touchscreen displays to view all the important data for your operation. Pair your display with a StarFire 6000 receiver and choose the best level of accuracy for you.
When you decide you want to start working smarter with Precision Ag, stop by your nearest Tennessee Tractor location and we’ll set you up with the best systems for your farm. Increase your productivity and profitability today.